Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Aspects of domestic economy

Decided that my next project is to go through every single object in my house and decide to keep it or to get rid of it.  There is so much hidden in cupboards now, some things that I haven't even looked at for years, kept mainly for sentimental reasons or the 'it might come in handy someday'. One of the keys for this is being honest with oneself; I have kept clothes and bits of material, intending to alter or use them in some way, but I must be honest. I am no needlewoman. It's all very well saying, yes, this will fit me if.. or this will be in fashion if..., but I know deep down in my heart of hearts I will never willingly put needle to cloth. I do not like sewing and never will.
       I keep broken things too, like broken electrical appliances, intending to get them fixed, but no one fixes things these days, they just go and buy a new one. I also have lots of things that are duplicates. When my mum moved into care, I inherited all her household goods, so I now I have two of everything, double the number of serveware, dinnerware, two toasters, two irons, two rubbish bins, etc,etc. So some of this can go. And I was 'looking after' a lot of her things. She liked to go through her stuff every year at Christmas, just to confirm her identity I think, to reassure herself that she had been an independent person with her own life, so I daren't throw much out when she was alive.
       But today I did get rid of the old TV sets. Now NZ has gone digital they don't work, and as I don't watch TV anyway, there was no point wasting money on a new one. We've had a recycling scheme going here; they take and recycle your set for only $5 which is a lot cheaper than the per car dump fee of $25. So this frees up about 1x .5 of a square meter inside my house. And I hope to have a roomier house after I've completed The Great Chuck-out. Some of my crappy furniture can go too, because its only be used for storing the junk that I'm getting rid of. Simplify, simplify.


  1. That is a big project and one that I could/should undertake as well. There is way toooo much in this house. Good luck, and happy simplifying.

  2. here're, here. Happy de-cluttering!
