Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Here's a leaf I drew a few autumns ago. I must get out tomorrow and get some autumn photos for you.
I bought some whisky today, to brighten and warm up my winter. I cashed in my FlyBuys and got a nice bottle of Glenfiddich, and had a wee dram tonight by way of celebration of my recovery from the Cold From Hell. I still have a few annoying symptoms, like breaking into coughing fits every so often, but my mind seems to be working again and my mood is way better. Anyway, the Glenfiddich was very good, sort of butterscotch and caramel with an infusion of pine needles and coal tar. I am convinced that my liking for whisky is deeply genetic, the call of hundreds of years of the Scots ancestors on my mother's side. These are the same ghosts that stand at my side when I'm throwing things out of the fridge - "Och, ye're no goin' to waste that, now are ye, hen? Just you knock the mould off, and it'll fry up nice wi' yer tatties".

And welcome to Elephant's Child, a new member among my readers. I do like your tiger avatar, it's classy and exotic. Are you a Kipling fan?


  1. Your leaf is spectacular and fills me with jealous awe. You can keep the whiskey though - not my drink of choice.
    And yes, I was brought up on the Just So Stories and can still recite great slabs of a number of them. Thank you for your compliment about my tiger - I took her photo at Dubbo zoo a few years ago.

  2. I watched the movie My son Jack on ANZAC Day - have you seen it? The recital of the poem at the end is very moving.
