Thursday, May 16, 2013

Autumn colours

Went for a little walk around the neighbourhood today.

                                                         Cherry trees in the park

Sasanqua camellias
Phormium "Yellow wave" down by the river
Persimmon - gorgeous colours

More sasanquas
"Bob's Tinsie" sasanqua with its distinctive petaloids.
This is the biggest sasanqua camellia I've ever seen. It's a tree, probably thirty? years old. Pity about the ugly power pole.

My garden, the neighbours trees looking a bit bare. Hydrangeas are still flaming away.
Dahlia imperialis. This is usually really hard to photo, because it grows so tall, but a wind blew this one down to knee height so I can admire it better.
"Golden delicious" apples. Beautiful for cooking.
Thomas in the hydrangeas...what a cutie.
So still plenty of colour around. We've had a long autumn this year, hopefully this will make for a short winter. I've been busy today, starting the big clean-up for autumn/winter. Raking leaves, planting tulip bulbs. Picked the Chilean guavas today, will probably make jam with them, and scored some feijoas from outside the Vicarage. I have a recipe for a feijoa sauce, so I should try this - it's supposed to be good with lamb. Here I go, thinking about my stomach again. One of those signs of ageing.
    Reading E.F Benson's Mapp and Lucia at the moment. Very amusing, but I keep wanting to talk like the characters. How tarsome!

1 comment:

  1. I took photos of our tree dahlias yesterday. Like yours, ours is mauve but a neighbour has given me some red ones which I have high hopes for - next year.
    I love autumnal colour and this is a beautiful and vibrant post. Thank you.
