Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The joys of being a grown-up

Not having to eat the crusts on your bread.

Not having to eat your vegetables before you get dessert.

Eating dessert for breakfast.

Deciding for yourself what time you will go to bed.

Deciding for yourself what time you will get out of bed.

Reading "unsuitable" literature.

Drinking alcohol.

Putting off till tomorrow what you should do today.

Leaving the dishes till tomorrow night.

Not going to church.

Not being nice to other people.

Not having to visit boring old people for afternoon tea.

The list just goes on and on. Of course, this was the appeal of  Pippi Longstocking, a child who did what she wanted when she wanted to. Now there's a feminist icon...

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful, wonderful list. Snap to rather a lot of them. And to Pippi Longstocking too. Thank you for your visit - which lead me to you.
