Sunday, March 2, 2014

Russian reds and rudbeckia

First day of autumn yesterday, and the weather has turned a bit cooler, but it's quite pleasant. Spent yesterday evening and this out in the garden, deadheading things and picking vegetables. These Russian Red tomatoes have done well this year.

And it's rudbeckia time again. I like them, there's something about them; they last well as a cut flower and really brighten up the garden. Some people find them too gaudy, but I think they are cheerful.
Defrosting the fridge while I write this, waiting for the curtain of ice to splosh into the pan of hot water I've got in there. Not very good at doing these things in a regular sort of way. I should work out some sort of household chore schedule, except that I know I'd never keep to it.

Been watching The League of Gentlemen on DVD, the English comedy, not the steampunk movie. Boy, it's just weird, but very funny. I wonder where the English got that strange sense of humour they have, a mix of blackness and way-out absurdity? Mark Gatiss who plays Sherlock Holme's brother Mycroft and co-wrote the 'Sherlock' series is in it, and now and again I can see a little bit of the 'Sherlock' style. 
Given up on the books of Game of Thrones though. Sometimes the TV series is better than the book, and that's the case in GoT. Imho. The costumes and the sets are so attractive, you don't see them in the novel. Whether I would have liked the books if I'd read them before watching the series I don't know, but it's also the pleasure of watching the actors as well. Later on in the series Diana Rigg puts in several appearances as Lady Tyrrel; she is great. And  Peter Dinklage as Tyrion is a great draw for me. When he's off screen I'm always looking forward to seeing him again.

1 comment:

  1. The English seem to celebrate eccentricity really well. And it shows in many of their comedies. And some of their weirder pursuits - bog snorkling leaps to mind.
    Those tomatoes look great. And I am a fan of rudbekia - such a vibrant explosion of colour.
