Thursday, March 13, 2014

This is typical!

Got my money for Italy yesterday. Fool! I should have waited one day; the Reserve bank have raised the cash rate and today the NZdollar is worth more! If I'd have waited one day I would have saved $225.00. This is typical! as Basil Fawlty used to say. Everytime I buy some consumer good (which isn't often) odds on that the next day or next week I will find the exact same thing being sold for half- or two-thirds the price somewhere else. Why didn't I read the financial news yesterday instead of today? What a dumb bum I am. There's no disgust like self-disgust, no condemnation like self-condemnation. My mother used to complain that I could not take criticism. Yes, Mother dear, that's because I'm constantly criticising myself and don't need others to add to the pain. RRRrrr!


  1. And criticise yourself more comprehensively (and viciously) than anyone else anyway.
    Ouch on the exchange rate. Been there too. And berated myself for it as well.

  2. Thus the sharemarket holds no allure for me - I'd be sure to buy when I should sell and vice versa.
