Tuesday, April 3, 2012

About cats and markets and books and movies

Experienced something this morning that I haven't heard for 3 months, purring in stereo. Two cats, one on either side of my head, expressing how happy they are.
Found out that Thomas probably has ringworm. I've never had a cat with ringworm before. And Emma's got some kind of bacterial infection, or something on her nose, so it's back to the vet for both of them before Easter. At the moment I seem to be supporting the vet, but I  guess that's just because I have a very young cat and a very old one, not an ideal situation for the bank balance, but I still like to have two cats rather than just one. I think they enjoy it too, even if they quarrel from time to time. They can relate to each other in a way I can't.
      Had a great day on Sunday. First I went to the organic food market at Opawa. Very busy, they were having a Tomato Fest. Bought leeks, Cox's Orange apples and some caramel coated nuts. So yummy, just ate them all (the nuts, that is). Then I went to the Shabby Chic market and bought some more vintage tray cloths. Hoping to start a huge collection that I will bequeath to the nation on my death. Bought a book from the excellent book stall, called Heroic acts of unbearable love. I think.
      I've been buying a lot of books lately from markets and fairs, can't seem to find interesting new books at the library lately. Rereading a lot of old faves, Richard Adam's haunting The girl in the swing, Antonia Fraser's Frost in May, and The age of innocence, much better as a book than a film. Some books should never be filmed, they are too subtle for cinematographic treatment. One such was Bee season, the movie was just boring and couldn't convey the inner feelings of the characters. Watched some old favourite movies too, the Emma Thompson Sense and sensibility and the wonderful Maggie Smith in My house in Umbria.
     Well, back to work tomorrow, back to the extrovert world of customer service. How it grates against my introvert psyche. If only one could get paid for being a recluse.

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