Friday, April 13, 2012

Weekend plan

Yes, it's my long weekend again - four days to do as I please. Usually I waste it by being bone idle and depressed, but my new year's resolution is to use my time more effectively and hopefully achieve something. Maybe just make some pesto and do a bit of gardening.
      Trying to type with Tom Kitten on my lap at the moment; he's nice and warm, just come back from playing outside and ingratiating himself with the neighbours. When I was out in the garden picking tomatoes and I could hear my next door neighbour saying "oh, you're so cute, so gorgeous", I knew Himself had nipped through the hole in the fence and was smooching Mrs Next-door. He's now sitting by the warm laptop dozing off.  I thought he was a gentle introvert when I first met him; more fool me. He's as extrovert as they come. Perhaps I should get a couple more cats, be Mad Old Cat Lady.
      Saw a house that I would love to buy, but don't have the money. It's an old house, in a country town within commuting distance of work, with a bit of land and a log-burner. I'd keep chickens, and a goat called Emerald. The gardeners at work could be roped in to a working bee to plant an orchard. I could buy it if I win Lotto or get a half-million advance on my pay, but I don't think either way its a possibility. Bugger, bugger, bugger.

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