Saturday, September 21, 2013


Rainy day today, but not cold, so I got up to some seed sowing in containers out in the garage. Sowed beans (borlotti, bush and runners) tomatoes (Astro ibrido and Roma) pumpkins (Baby Bear and Marina di Chioggia), scallopini, peppers, zucchini, eggplant and sweetcorn. And basil and chives and striped carnations. Don't know if any will come up as the seed might be too old, but we'll see. Seeds are always a bit of a gamble anyway; someone one described it as a race between rooting and rotting.
  The old umbrella cloche was very successful for the lettuces, so I've put some of the more delicate stuff in trays under the cloche.
  Still undecided about what to do with the holly tree. Should I take it down completely, or just top it and topiary it?
  Went to the Lions fundraiser and bought ten bales of peastraw, the which I'll have fun strewing around. I like peastraw, it seems to do something magic to the soil, loosening and aerating it.
  Poor Emma still suffering with the tooth. What a pity they couldn't take it out right away.

 PS. I see by my stats that the bastards at Broken Controllers have hijacked me again. I can tell this because all of a sudden I have a whole lot of hits in Russia - they put my blog on a porn browser called Progolom! I usually have a few hits in Latvia and the Ukraine, but today my Russia stats are through the roof. Hope they can fap off on gardening hits and talking cats. (Yes. Fap - new word, means to masturbate to, as in "I gotta fap to her"  - got it off a youTube comment.)


  1. Good luck with the seeds - something I have always had very mixed success with. I don't seem to get the water right. Not enough/too much.
    I am also getting rather a lot of hits from Russia. How did you find out they were putting your blog on a porn site? And where do they find porn here?

    1. I think I found out because "Broken Controllers" kept coming up in my list of traffic sources (on the stats page), so I Googled it. One of the items was, which tells the whole story.
      You may also notice other names on your list of traffic sources - I have and r-e-f-e-r-e-r on mine. DO NOT CLICK ON THESE! Apparently this can open you up to spyware, malware all sorts of nasties. Broken Controllers are using you as an unpaid content producer. The fact that there is no porn on your site doesn't matter - they get their money by selling themselves to advertisers as a mega-hit website/browser.

    2. PS. I wrote a post on this on Saturday April 13 2013 "Russian and other perverts" after I discovered what was going on.

    3. Thank you. Fascinating - in a gross sort of way.
