Saturday, September 14, 2013


Two beautiful days of spring weather, and lots of gardening getting done. The tulips are starting to come out.

Not a tulip, but magnificent anyway.

Think this is Tulipa kaufmannii; I knew it was dwarf, but not this dwarf.

Sometimes a planting just works. The end of the Baroque bed, facing my living room window.
Tomorrow, if the weather is fine, I'll do even more gardening. I'm starting to get a bit worried about gardening; perhaps I do too much of it. I've turned down three social occasions lately, one because I was tired after working all day, two because I was tired after gardening all day. Is it dangerous to become a recluse? Am I getting weird? Have I always been weird but it's only now that I live on my own and have no relatives that I can indulge myself? I do like to have acres of time to spread myself in, to focus on one thing. Gardening. Oy, what a nut!*
*Oy, what a nut! This comes from 'Seinfeld' :Ever wondered why your appointments with your shrink are only for fifty minutes? So, what does he do with the other ten minutes? Sits at his desk, going "oy, what a nut!", that's what.


  1. It is looking good. Very good. And I agree with you about the magnificent non tulip.

    1. Yes, Mr Tom has grown into a lovely cat. He's very good-natured and friendly; here he's trying to look cool and nonchalant.

  2. I come via Elephant’s Child blog – it is lovely to see spring flowers now that we, in the US, are watching leaves turning gold.

  3. Welcome, Vagabonde. Yes it is strange that we have opposite seasons - one of the US on-line magazines I subscribe to has articles today about winter food and how to winterize your house, which seems odd to us here in the Southern Hem. Still, spring will come, and there's many pleasures in autumn too.
