Thursday, December 19, 2013

Garden and shelfies

Poppies in the potager

Marina di Chioggia was probably the wrong choice of pumpkin for a small garden

Pears are coming along

The shade corner with the Edwardian urn

The conservatory; not really attractive but I've tried to soften it with plantings

Shelfie in my bedroom; this all fell off the wall in the earthquake and landed on my bed

Hallway shelfie

Spare room shelfie


  1. Love your garden and your shelfies.
    The first looks happier and healthier than mine (which really, really needs the rain). And the shelfies are much more organised and less cluttered.
    Did you get hurt when the shelf collapsed on your bed? I do hope not.

    1. Fortunately, I was out of my bed and cowering in the doorway when it went. However, I did think how appropriate it would have been for a librarian and bibliophile, to be bashed to death by books!
