Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Books, etc.

I've just added a sidebar with titles of books I'm reading/have read recently. The 'etc.' means I'll include anything else like CDs or DVDs that I found enjoyable as well. Tried once again in several ways to get a revolver map, but unsuccessful. I keep getting a message that my script has illegal characters when I paste it. ("Illegal characters" makes me think of shady dudes in  hoodies selling drugs and knock-off goods.) Silly that I can get tacky pictures of nude women and quotes of world-shattering wisdom from Justin Bieber quite easily, but not something that I want. Even quotes from the Dalai Lama come with adverts. Ho hum, such is life.


  1. I love your addition. The first two I know and enjoy, and I know nothing about the last two. Reviews?

  2. Amandine is by the woman who wrote A thousand days in Venice about her life in Italy. This is her first fiction book. I enjoyed it; even though the plot is a bit hackneyed and sometimes relies on coincidence, she writes well. It's about an orphan girl who is placed in a convent with a suitable nasty Mother Superior, and the girl's trying to find her roots, journeying through Nazi occupied France. The little book is about a man who finds himself in fin-de-siecle Vienna, meets Freud, the child Hitler and his own grandparents. Very enjoyable and twisty but needs a little persistence at the beginning; I skipped the passages about baseball, which could easily have been edited out, you won't miss them and they have very little to do with the plot.
