Thursday, June 6, 2013


Finally, all the tulip bulbs are in! And I discovered one bloom on my 'Setsugekka' camellia. This is the first flower in eight years. Clearly I am doing something wrong.


  1. I have squeeeezed all my bulbs in too. Just. It will be about another two months before our camellias flower.
    Is the soil where yours lives acid or alkaline? That could make a difference. They like a slightly acid soil with a fair amount of humus.

  2. I haven't done any soil tests, but I guess it would be slightly more on the alkaline side. Good soil, old river silt, but definitely lacking in humus and with a tendency to compaction. I shall flood it with compost! I'm somewhat cavalier about soil improvement; I need to pay more attention to it. Thanks for this.
