Friday, June 21, 2013

Scones and rain

In my latter years, I've become an ace scone maker. These are sultana scones fresh out of the oven. I've been making a lot of scones lately, because there's not much else to do. After the snow we have had rain. And rain. And rain.

The lawn is flooded and there is an attractive pond running the length of the garden. I'm hoping for ducks.
                Another pond has formed behind the garage. The garden looks bleak and drear.

Emma toasts her tummy
Going to have afternoon tea now, and watch a DVD of Jeeves and Wooster (the Fry and Laurie version) Love those deco interiors and costumes, and the theme tune is great. Very cheering on a dull arvo.
   Pip-pip, old things!

1 comment:

  1. P G Wodehouse always cheers me up. Love the toasted tummy cat.
