Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nothing much

Nothing much to write about. The weather has been really cold, and we had a cracking frost yesterday, minus 4 degrees. I went out in the garden today to start cleaning up the hydrangeas (is there anything drearier than old hydrangea heads?) but it was just a bit too cold. Really have to get started on the roses as well. Just a few early jonquils poking their heads up, but no way is it anywhere near spring yet.
 I went to a friend's place on Sunday to see the Hobbit movie. I love, love, love Bilbo's house! It looks so cosy and liveable, but I bet all that circular woodwork would be very expensive in real life. Love the dwarves, especially the gorgeous Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield. And James Nesbitt's wonderful accent. And Brett Mackenzie, one of the Flight of the Conchords, is unrecognisable as an elf. (The elves sort of annoy me, they're so very superior, and just a tad effete, I think).  It was great to see dear old Gollum again, too. He almost feels like an old friend. A toxic one.

PS. The picture is  a café in Vicenza, looking from the grounds of the Teatro Olimpico. I chose it just because it makes me think of warmth.


  1. Just loved the riddling in the dark between Bilbo and Gollum. And Thorin was a babe!

  2. Have you ever seen the TV version of North and South? It's on youTube in episodes. Richard Armitage is the mill-owner, all dark and broody. Yum.

  3. I meant brooding. Broody is what chickens get.
