Monday, June 17, 2013


The celebrity magazines are really a no-go area for me, but some kind soul donates them to my workplace so I sometimes find myself flicking through them against my better judgement. They are like snack food for the mind (or junk food more like), tempting but lacking in substance and nutritive value. Unfortunately, I'm the sort of person who reads the back of the cereal packet at breakfast; show me a line of print and I'll read it. So now it's a race between Kim Kardashian and the Duchess of Cambridge. Which one's baby will attract the most attention? No doubt every pang and groan and drop of blood will be wrung from Kim's parturition experience, whereas the Duchess' childbirth will be more discreet; we will get to see the finished product not the gory process. And that's how it should be.

    Just imagine if we had a magazine that celebritised the great thinkers of our age? It would be called "Thought!" and would have headlines "Wrong! admits Dawkins"  "Space/time a human construct! says Stevo" "Are you a Neanderthal or a Cro-Magnon? Do our quiz". Hmmm.

   Had an amazing nightmare this morning, something along the lines of being trapped in the World Trade Center, rescued by a flying tank, dropped into the sea, rescued again, then finally buried alive in the basement of a collapsing building while being given a commentary by a shonky builder as to why the building was collapsing (because his shonky mate had used sub-standard lumber). Whew! All in full colour, surround-sound 3D state of the art CGI.  Have our dreams and nightmares been invaded by cinematographic technology? Mine certainly have. What a trip! Who needs drugs?

1 comment:

  1. And the celebrity magazines will talk about both Kim Kardashian and the Duchess of Cambridge's weight within a fortnight of them giving birth. They will either have lost weight too quickly - or not soon enough. And their diets will be shared.
    That was quite a nightmare. I think I would have required several cups of tea to get over it...
