Thursday, April 18, 2013


Not much going on at the moment. I'm working at two different jobs now, so trying to get my head around the one that I've gone back to after 2.5 years away, yet stay connected to my old current job too. Between the stuff I've forgotten and the new stuff that I need to learn, I've got a steep learning curve. The old job is much more complex and more stressful than it used to be, and it was stressful enough back when I left on secondment, so I doubt if I'm going to enjoy it much. (Not that I should say this here where anyone can read it). Still, plenty of people dislike their jobs, so I'll just have to suck it up, and do the best I can. I'm so tired of being a 'public servant', and smiling and being nice, when all I want to say is f... off, I don't care about you, Mr or Ms General Public.  If only you could say what you really think. And not lose your job.
     Weird dreams at the moment, always my brain's way of processing new stuff. Strange too, how I can think of some profound truth while dreaming, which I forget on waking or proves to be absurd in real time. Even when conscious, I daydream/segue into an alpha-state and have momentous revelations about myself, others and situations, but find it impossible to remember them when in a 'awake' beta-wave mode. The other day I realised some key fact about myself, but can I remember it? No. Is this normal, to be 'in' your thought and observing your thought as well? It all sounds very Zen. Perhaps this is the function of meditation, to bring the treasures of the subconscious mind into the conscious mind?
  Damned if I know.

  Read a funny caption the other day. It said "I wish my life had a soundtrack, so I could know what the hell was going on".

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