Friday, April 5, 2013

The end of the golden weather

Finally, my aconite has flowered. It was growing here when I bought the house, and I always thought this plant looked like an aconite although it was quite weedy. So I left it in place and here it is. Also called monkshood, this is quite a poisonous plant, and was the stuff in the potion that the well-meaning Friar gave to Juliet. It's a pretty colour, but has rather weird-looking flowers.
Tonight is officially the end of summer; the clocks go back tonight, so no more Daylight Saving Time. We've had a good, hot summer, such as we've not known for many years. The farmers are complaining of course, but they've had fifteen years of wet summers to build up their finances, so I can't say I feel a lot of sympathy for them. I remember when we had a drought every year, it was quite an expected thing, so yah boo sucks, farmers. The last weeks have been glorious, especially at Easter, but now the weather has turned cold. Tonight I've cooked my first casserole of the year; the urge to get cosy and eat comfort food is growing with every day. I'm also baking a lemon cake to have for breakfast! (Not the whole cake; that would be piggy, even for me).

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