Saturday, April 13, 2013

Russian and other perverts

Interesting times. Googling my blog (like you do) I discovered that a group called Broken Controllers had hijacked my URL. This is fairly common; they take  your URL, stick theirs in front of it, so that people googling you will end up on their site. Your stuff is there and the hits will register on your stats, but since the content is then on-posted to shonky sites, you may not like this. My stuff probably appears on porn sites like pregolom, viewed a lot in Russia. The benefit to Broken Controllers is that they improve their rankings on Google by piggybacking on your hits, and they can widen their content to sell more ads. So you are being used as an unpaid, uncredited author to gather kudos and money for them. You can place a copyright notice on your site, which I have done, and request them to take down their links to your site. Email I can't imagine how disappointed some Russian jerkovski are when they find my site talking about gardening and books. The entry entitled Aristocrats must have them foaming; no doubt they expect pictures of high-class women showing pink, not a historical series about the granddaughters of Charles II.
     I imagine the title broken controllers was used after someone had done a hit-count of the most common google phrase used by searchers. This is depressing; it means that as a planet, our biggest problem is that the Game-boy/PS2/whatever won't work. Fuck world poverty, I want to play ActionMan.
     And isn't that the problem in itself. Kim Jung-Un playing with his rockets and tanks. He's just a little boy but with the real thing to play with. The naked glee on his face when reviewing the troops is frightening. The phenomenal amounts of money spent on developing these things could have fed and housed his people, but he has given them pipe-dreams and rhetoric instead; a new kind of junk food, tasty but neither filling nor nutritional.
   And every day now, there is news of yet another mall or school shooting in the US. It's more dangerous now to live in the US than in Somalia or Afghanistan.
    Broken controllers. Now ain't that a metaphor?

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