Sunday, April 21, 2013


Made a red assemblage this afternoon. Red is very prominent in my life at the moment; I have a new red scarf, given to me by my boss, red apples from the garden, and these gorgeous red roses, also from the garden. I don't know what this rose is, it's one that was here before I arrived, but it's done much better since the removal of the cabbage trees that grew overhead. It's quite a tall rose, with a good scent. In the background is my old red duffel coat, bought from a second-hand shop 10 years ago when I was newly re-singled and on a strict budget. The glass is a cranberry coloured parfait glass from St Mark's church fair.


  1. gorgeous rose, are the flowers really huge?

  2. Yes, they're probably about 6cm across. I wish I knew what it is, but it's practically impossible to find out. I'll just keep googling 'red rose hybrid tea' and looking at the images!

  3. Librarygirl, I've just done some sleuthing and I'm 80% sure the rose is 'Olympiad' bred by Sam McGredy in 1984. This would fit with what I know about the garden's history (one very keen gardener during the late 70s and early eighties who also loved opera and sang it while gardening, much to the horror of the neighbours - I wish I'd known him). Sam McGredy was an Irish rose breeder who moved to NZ, and created many beautiful roses, very popular here and in the US. The description of 'Olympiad' fits the rose in my garden. It is described as a tall 'florist's rose' without much scent, but scent is very subjective.
